So I decided last night to start a blog. Why? Well one to document the early years of my son's life (they really do go by too fast) and two to share with others some of the tricks I have learned and tweaked for our life to live cheaply but still have a fantastic life.
My son is 8 months old, he will be 9 months on the 23rd and boy has it gone by so fast. I feel like I just had him yesterday, thank goodness I didn't since I couldn't take swelling up like a beached whale again. He was born a whole month early, but thankfully is very healthy and we were able to take him home within 3 days of being in the hospital.
So at the moment I am a stay at home mom, I am actively looking for work and have worked since my son was born so I have gotten to experience the ups and downs of both. My son, his father and I all live in the same house with our two dogs. Even when I was working we were living paycheck to paycheck so I had to come up with and find creative ways to stretch a dollar ( I don't coupon since I truly have no clue how those people do it, although I wish I did) and found local and county programs to be able to get back on track from my complicated pregnancy where I was unable to work.
I hope that my blog is able to help, inspire, and make even one person laugh. Thanks for reading and watch for more posts!