Monday, November 24, 2014

Crockpot Honey Garlic Chicken

This recipe was a doctored version of another Pinterest find, but I originally found it on Rachel's Nest, the original recipe can be found here. Mine ended up looking more like the version seen on Rachel's Nest. It really sounded good and like a recipe I could just dump in a bag, freeze, take out and dump in the crockpot.

I used two chicken breasts instead of the four she uses and to begin with they were frozen when I put them in the bag. The rest I kept the same:

3 Garlic Cloves, chopped (I seriously recommend using the chopper like she did, mine got lost in our move so I chopped mine by hand.)
1/2 cup Soy Sauce
1/2 cup Ketchup
1/2 cup Honey
Pinch of Basil (I forgot this part)
Salt and Pepper to taste

I mixed up the sauce and then dumped that in the bag. I always label my bags with: the name of the recipe, how long to cook and if I need to add anything. Normally I would also add the date that it was bagged, but since I was going to be making this in the next day or so I left that off this one.

The night before I was planning on cooking it I just pull it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge to defrost. I, personally, put all frozen meals that need to defrost in a specific spot on the door of my fridge. To me this makes it easy to find, reminds me of what I'm going to make for dinner (I have a tendency to forget if I've taken something out or not), and keeps the bag upright and if it does leak the mess is limited to one area.

The next day I just dumped everything in the crock pot and cooked per the directions (Low: 6-8 hours, High 3-4 hours). I cooked mine on high since I got a bit of a late start that day.

It comes out looking quite burnt, but that really is just the sauce. Overall I really wasn't impressed, contrary to the picture where half of it is gone. I did eat it all and so did S, but he made a valid point when he said it tasted like old meat. It was also very dry and sticky. I doubt we will be trying this one again, or if I do I will be adding only half the amount of soy sauce.

Cleaning the crockpot was the worst part of it though. So if you have crockpot bags or even tin foil (doesn't work as well since it will typically leak into the bottom depending on the size of your crockpot) I would use that to cut down the mess.

And then here's me over here with no tin foil or bags:

If you give it a try and like it or tweak it or hate it let me know. I'm always looking for ways to change up a recipe and make it my own, feel free to share how you make a recipe your own!